Columbia Mission Station
2401 Main Street,
Columbia, SC 29201
Director: Pastor Sylvia Mickens
Christ Central Columbia became the very first building of Christ Central Ministries in September 1997. Today, this location is still meeting needs, beginning with basics such as food, clothing, and prayer, and then assisting individuals in improving their lives and the lives of their families.
Services Offered
Lunch—Mondays through Thursdays, 12 – 1pm
Emergency Food Pantry--Wednesdays, 9 – 11 am
Clothing for men and women—Mondays through
Thursdays, 9 – 11 am
Foot Care Ministry--Tuesdays, 12 – 2 pm
Adult incontinent supplies
Daily devotional, Mon - Thurs 11:30 am
Church service on Sundays at 8 am
Supervision for community service hours
Referrals for Medical Care, Health Education
Volunteer Opportunities
To volunteer at Christ Central Columbia, please click on “CONTACT” at the top of the website, and let us know of your interests. These are some of the opportunities:
Clean and/or maintain the building.
Help with food preparation and cooking.
Be a Kitchen Coordinator able to pass Safe/Serv(R) and DHEC requirements.
Coordinate and help manage the clothing room.
Serve as a receptionist.
Serve breakfast as a church or other organization on a Saturday.
Click on “DONATE” at the top of the page, and designate to “Columbia” under Mission Stations, or contact us at the email address or phone number above.
We also accept non-monetary donations:
Canned food (regular and No. 10 sized cans)
Packaged food (e.g., rice, cereal, Hamburger Helper)
Bottled water
Paper towels, napkins, toilet paper, plastic ware, plates, bowls, and 55-gallon trash bags
Seasonally appropriate clothing and underwear for men or women
Hygiene products for men and women