Chaplain’s Care Oconee (CCO), A Christ Central Ministry, is a faith-based, mobile mission station serving Oconee County, South Carolina. We network with local, state, regional and national resources, as well as, city, county, and state agencies to provide resources to individuals and families in our communities. We are a referral source ONLY not a service provider!

Although we are an independent mobile mission station: we work in partnership with Christ Central Ministry Oconee (CCMO) and Oconee Addiction Recovery and Solution Center (OARS) located in Walhalla SC, as well as, Christ Central Ministries (CCM) mission stations throughout the state. We network with churches, community organizations, and government agencies to make as many resources as possible available to our clients.
A shared goal, of Chaplain’s Care Oconee, CCMO, and CCM is to address issues of poverty, homelessness, hunger, addiction, crime, and jail recidivism in our community, the “Golden Corner” of South Carolina. We minister a message of HOPE to individuals in crisis, as well, as their family members.
We strive to meet the basic needs of the impoverished! Chaplain’s Care Oconee points the indigent to resources and organizations, which provide food, clothing, shelter, as well as, spiritual and emotional care. We assist individuals in improving their lives, and the lives of their families, by providing access to teaching and training in areas needed for rehabilitation, recovery support, addressing the school dropout rate and bullying, to secure and retain employment, stabilize family relationships, and develop Christian character.
CHAPLAIN’S CARE OCONEE is a Pentecostal - Evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Our message is based on the Bible. Our ministry is motivated by the love of God. Our mission is to preach and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination. We coordinate and develop resources to identify, evaluate, and efficiently serve the needs of our community. We are committed to working with all faith groups and individuals to meet Christ’s commission as stated in Matthew 25:35-40.
273 Applewood Center PL,
Box 155, Seneca, SC 29678
Director: Michael L. (Chaplain) Morrison