Christ Central Ministries is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit organization with Tax ID 58-2313533.
The mailing address for contributions is:
Christ Central Ministries, Inc.
636 Pine Ridge Dr., Suite E
West Columbia, SC 29172
You can also contact us about a donation by emailing donate@ccmins.com or just use the form on the Contact Page.
If you are contributing through a donor advised fund or other method that requires the name of a contact, use Pastor Jimmy Jones, 803-600-5803.
If you want to designate your gift to one program in particular, perhaps the Mission Station in your community, the Christ Central Institute, or our Mission Lake ministry, your designation will be honored and spent as you specify. In any case, your gift will be treasured and used carefully and wisely and will be acknowledged with an appropriate note of thanksgiving and a tax receipt.
We also accept pledges and will work with you on request to facilitate your planned donation.
And, finally, there is the PayPal option.